Sunday, October 18, 2009

BP#13_Edu 2.0_Web 2.0 Tool

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Edu 2.0 is a web 2.0 web hosting tool that allows you to create your own online school, similar to the learning management system blackboard and moodle. It’s geared to university, high school, or home schooled students. You can have as few as 1 or 2 students and as many as over thousands. When you register your school you get a custom url. When you first go on the site after registering there is a home page that is customizeable. As I perused the site, I noticed that it is easy to navigate. The home tab has other tags that allow you to have messages, a calendar, a friends section. You can upload photos, add groups, and there is a section for blogs. There is also a school tab. On that tab, everything about school, students, parents, teachers, administrators, policies, and classes are found. Then there is a teach tab. This is the area that teachers would upload the classes they’re teaching. The Teach tab also contains the teacher’s class schedule, the syllabus, lessons, and teachers can upload videos & photos. There are other educational resources, a teacher can add attachments, reset passwords, and send students messages. A calendar is also available as well as an area in the teach tab to post events and assessments such as team assignments, tests, quizzes, student grades, attendance, wikis, chat, debates, and blogs. There is also an area that allows teacher to make a master class if teaching more than one class. Then there’s the Learn Tab, this area is used by students currently taking classes. The Resources section of Edu 2.0 tool contains a 20,000 plus library of educational resources that includes videos, quizzes, self paced courses, best practices, experiments, blogs, and curriculum. Also, in that section there is free online support, forums, faq, training, blog, and a guided tour of the site. The great thing about this site is that anyone can use this website and it is so similar to the things that you can do on Blackboard. I teach an online community course and use blackboard for my class. What I like about Edu 2.0 is that you can create your own course and you also have access to over 20,000 other resources.

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