Tuesday, October 13, 2009

BP#12_ 20091013_Lesson Plan Using Flickr

The lesson that I found that would use flickr was added by Kameron Tucker Banes at..... http://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/INSITE/Example+of+Flickr+at+the+Elementary+Level
It was originally titled "Wildlife Animals in Indiana but I changed it to.....

Wildlife Animals in Ohio
Grades 2-3
Writing Lesson
Pre-requisite: Students must have basic computer skills and knowledge. Teacher should create a group account on Flickr.
Objective: Students will use the computer to find different wildlife that inhabit Indiana. They will use Flickr, to find their pictures and create a narrative.

Computer with internet Connection
Group Flickr account
Pictures of wildlife animals in Ohio

1. After discussing the types of wildlife animals in Ohio, upload pictures from a list of them.
2. Pull up account of pictures through flickr.com on projector for students
3. Tell students purpose and description of lesson. Example: "While using the pictures for inspiration, I want you to write a story about the animals in the picture. Don't worry about spelling, just focus on creating a detailed description."
4. Allow students to write for 15 to 20 minutes
5. Ask a few students to share stories
6. Continue to follow procedure as many times as time will allow.

This particular lesson can be adapted to include Ohio flowers, plants, trees, etc.

1 comment:

  1. There are so many great possibilities with Flickr. Great ideas:)
