It was originally titled "Wildlife Animals in Indiana but I changed it to.....
Wildlife Animals in Ohio
Grades 2-3
Writing Lesson
Pre-requisite: Students must have basic computer skills and knowledge. Teacher should create a group account on Flickr.
Objective: Students will use the computer to find different wildlife that inhabit Indiana. They will use Flickr, to find their pictures and create a narrative.
Computer with internet Connection
Group Flickr account
Pictures of wildlife animals in Ohio
1. After discussing the types of wildlife animals in Ohio, upload pictures from a list of them.
2. Pull up account of pictures through on projector for students
3. Tell students purpose and description of lesson. Example: "While using the pictures for inspiration, I want you to write a story about the animals in the picture. Don't worry about spelling, just focus on creating a detailed description."
4. Allow students to write for 15 to 20 minutes
5. Ask a few students to share stories
6. Continue to follow procedure as many times as time will allow.
This particular lesson can be adapted to include Ohio flowers, plants, trees, etc.
There are so many great possibilities with Flickr. Great ideas:)