Until I began the EMDT degree program at Fullsail University, the only bookmarking that I knew about was the one on indivdual computers that allowed you to bookmark websites. But the only problem with that was that you could only access bookmarks on the computer you saved it on. I don’t know how many times that I’ve been in my school or, since I travel from school to school, that I wished that I had access to the site I bookmarked. But, alas, it’s on another computer that I, at the time, don’t have access to. Social bookmarking is a necessary organizational tool for anyone who is interactive on the Web. (Brockenberry, J., 2009). Social bookmarking is a new phenomenon to me. Based upon my experience with one computer bookmarking, I see the value of being able to bookmark sites that can be resources for me in the future without being limited to one computer. I’ve already started using the social bookmarking tool Del.icio.us. Every educational website that I visit, I save it in Del.icio.us. Since del.icio.us doesn’t restrict the number of accounts that can be created, not only individual students can have accounts, but accounts can be created for workgroups or entire classes with each student in the group having the password to the account so he or she can add bookmarks. What’s also great about social bookmarking is that you can add tags that allow you to mark how you’re going to use the site especially if you’re doing research. There are many educational uses of social bookmarking. You can network with other educators around the world, create social bookmark accounts for your school's academic departments, as well as subscribe to someone's bookmarks via RSS and receive updates whenever they add new websites as well as sharing bookmarks with other schools. (Classroom 2.0, 2009) Social bookmarking is a mechanism for building learning communities by using tags to stay informed. (Using del.icio.us in Education, 2007) It's wonderful for teachers and students to collaborate in finding websites that correspond to instruction.
Brockenberry, J., 2009. Technology and literacy in urban schools. Retrieved from urbanliteracyanswers.blogspot.com
Grosseck, Gabriela, 2007. Using del.ici.us in education. Retrieved from www.scribd.com
Johnson, Doug, 2007. It's delightful it's del.icio.us. Retrieved from www.educationalworld.com
Utecht, J., Social bookmarking in education, 2009. Retrieved from wiki.classroom20.com
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